But not the Amazing Alpaca Wonderscarf, shown here hanging on the hook of my new office door (which is the best feature of my new office).

So what makes it Amazing and a Wonderscarf? Well - it is soft. And lightweight. And being tan, it does not show dirt. I made it, wow, about 3 or 4 years ago. And it has not shown much wear, a tiny bit of fuzzying. It does not shed. It has survived being shut into the car door, flapping on the outside of the car as we drove at highway speeds. And I have never lost it, which is an amazing feat. But my favorite aspect of this scarf; I can completely wrap my face up, eyes and all, and still see through the holes created by the lace. I am sure that it looks very strange, but this has come in handy several times when I have been walking through the snow or on super windy days. I think next Halloween, I may dress up as the Invisible Man and this scarf will be perfect for that costume.
P.S. The hat is hanging there is one of the parade of hats I posted earlier.
1 comment:
Hi Jennifer! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad your scarf has held up well. I really think we ought to see more of the where-are-they-now posts out there in blogland.
hey, so are you in lawrence? you should come stop by Knit Lawrence this weekend. we meet on the 2nd and 4th saturdays of the month at milton's coffee - 3:30 p.m. more info at www.knitlawrence.org
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